Saturday, March 17, 2012

Broadway Shows

   When I was a kid, I always thought Broadway shows are boring shows with lots of talking and dark atmosphere, in which at the end, the star of the show dies and the audience clap their hands. How I had this idea about Broadway, I have no clue.Maybe Because I used to think serious artists always prefer sad, dark shows. And fun can not be taken seriously. any way, What did a kid like me know?!
   Years later, I had the chance to attend one of these shows. I was melting in the show spontaneously. I kept attending one show after the other. And Believe me, regardless of the target population of this show, you will be able to live and feel every moment and sight on these shows.
   Broadway theatre or simply "Broadway" is a collection of 40 theaters located in Manhattan, New York City, NY, USA. They are located on what is recognized by the "Theatre District". In addition to The West End Theatre in London, UK. They are should have 500 or more seats. These shows are considered to represent the highest level of the commercial theatre in the english-speaking world. These shows attract many tourists that in 2010 Broadway was able to sell about 1.037 Billion worth of tickets.
   Broadway was originated back in 1900-1918, in which broadway shows were not taken seriously by the audience and they were not related to arts. But by time Broadway started to attract mid- class people in which it became a cultural center in New York city. The ticket price ranged from 1.50-2.00 $. And the Theatre district extended from the 13th street to the 45th street. It included very small number of theaters.
   Recently, Theatre district extends from 40th street to the 57th street, and from sixth avenue to the eighth avenue including the Times Square (which we will talk about later). And the part of Broadway that lies in it is called "The Great White Way".Tickets are prices between 60-450$ depending on the show, season and how early you book your tickets.
   The area of the 42nd street extending from the ninth to the eleventh avenues is called the "Theatre Row" and it includes many OFF-Broadway and OFF-OFF-Broaway shows.
   OFF-Broadway shows are smaller than Broadway shows and these theaters have from 100-499 seats. while OFF-OFF-Broadway shows are smaller in which they include less than 100 seats. They are available every were in New York city.The term "OFF-OFF-Broadway" can be used for any show in New York that does`t have a Broadway or Off-Broadway contract.

Warm wishes ..
