- Chipped or fractured teeth:
Sometimes, the pulp may be exposed or damaged. In this case, root canal treatment is required. If the patient experiences pain when breathing through the mouth or drinking or drinking cold fluids, have him/her bite on a clean moist gauze to help relieve the symptoms till the patient reports to the dental office. Never use topical oral pain medications like sprays, gels or ointments.
- Root Fractures:
One of the cases I will never forget, is that patient who was in his thirties. He was referred from his dentist to pull out his front tooth. The tooth had a horizontal root fracture that was discovered accidentally by routine x-rays. The patient mentioned a history of trauma long time ago when he was a kid. He also mentioned he never reported to the dentist. Tooth was asymptomatic. The x-rays show complete healing of the bone around the broken root segment. All what we did was dismissing him, and asking him for a follow up every year.
With all my wishes of a safe happy life free from injuries ..
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